Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Sophie had her third birthday party today! Yeah, so I KNOW I haven't updated the blog in forever. There's absolutely no excuse. I don't even have a picture to put in here of her party because my camera isn't compatible with vista and so i upload my photos to my laptop, but i'll have photos soon, that way the zero people who read this can see all of the photos of how fun the party was. she really did have a great day. her favorite gift was a purse with lip glosses in it from jen, steven, and lili. she carried it around all day, and i've never seen so much sticky lip gloss on one set of lips ever. plus mark got his lips done. how nice. it was a really great day, and when i have the pics up you can see how much she grew in the past YEAR AND A HALF, and see who all was at the party, etc.

ok. so much for a great blog update. goodnight.