Sunday, August 20, 2006

A Note From The Sophster

Sophie has been grumpy (which is really unusual for her!) because she has a whole bunch of teeth coming in at once. Her favorite thing right now is a frozen wet washcloth that she can gnaw on to get some relief. She's also taking what I call "B-movie zombie steps", where her arms stick out in from of her, and she shuffles along trying to walk but not really going anywhere. It's too cute!

Here are some recent pictures:

Sophie and Uncle Doug in a tacky, Hallmark movie pose.

Granddad with Sophie. Not sure what's going on in this one.

Kate made this beautiful box hat for Sophie. Oh man, this picture cracks me up! It looks like some kind of strange King Tut crown.

Sophie NEVER falls asleep in the stroller! Mark took this picture on the way home from a day of celebrating Lili's 3rd birthday. The party was a lot of fun, and Sophie was really worn out. We didn't realize for quite a while that A) Sophie was asleep, and B) that she was all slumped forward like a drunkard on the subway. Poor Sophie.